Emerging professions - physicians' associates and assistants

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Emerging professions - physicians' associates and assistants

Emerging professions - physicians' associates and assistants

Dr Peter Nicholls, University of Kent, Canterbury

Emerging professions - physicians' associates and assistants

Dr Peter Nicholls from the University of Kent talks about physicians' associate and assistant programmes (providing a general overview), setting up the Kent and Medway medical school, the growing profession of physicians' associates and assistants and how fellows of the IBMS play a key role in maintaining these programmes. 

Lecture length: 28:03
Uploaded: 11/05/2018

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Information about this Video

Dr Peter Nicholls from the University of Kent talks about physician associate and assistant programmes (providing a general overview), setting up the Kent and Medway medical school, the growing profession of physician associates and assistants and how fellows of the IBMS play a key role in maintaining these programmes. 

This lecture was filmed at the IBMS Congress in Birmingham on the 23rd September 2019.