Opening Plenary

/ Sessions / Opening Plenary

The Albert Norman Opening Address

Alison Geddis, President of the IBMS, opens the IBMS Congress 2019 by delivering the Albert Norman Opening Address. 

Alison Geddis, President, Institute of Biomedical Science

Consultant Scientists and Consultant Pathologists - an essential partnership

In this talk, Professor Jo Martin, President of the Royal College of Pathologists, explores the relationship between consultant scientists and consultant pathologists, highlighting the importance of this essential partnership.

Professor Jo Martin, Royal College of Pathologists

Laboratory service redesign - The Scottish Ambition

Dr David Stirling from NHS National Services Scotland provides insight into laboratory service redesign in Scotland. This includes discussion on what the redesign entails and the Scottish ambition for this redesign. 

Dr David Stirling, NHS National Services Scotland

Reducing the Environmental Impact of Clinical Laboratories

In this lecture, Dr Alistair Gammie from Ortho Clinical Diagnostics talks about reducing the environment impact of clinical laboratories. This involves a general discussion on the things all professionals can do with regards to recycling in the laboratory. 

Dr Alistair Gammie, Ortho Clinical Diagnostics

Total Digital Pathology

In this presentation, Chloe Knowles and Basharat Hussain from the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust explore digital pathology. This includes a definition of digital pathology, a general background of digital pathology at Leeds and a look at the NPIC (Northern Pathology Imaging Co-operative). 

Chloe Knowles and Basharat Hussain, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

The Science of Laughter

In this presentation, Professor Sophie Scott from the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience in London shares an insight into the Science of Laughter. Covering the definition of laughter and the origins behind it. 

Professor Sophie Scott, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London